


Design Authority
Company Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.
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*No Variant assigned
Bell XV-15 TRRA
Type History
Prototype first flight
Production first flight
First entered service



Members of the XV-15 family not yet added to Vertipedia - coming soon!


Forum Proceedings related to the XV-15

A Comparative Analysis of XV-15 Tiltrotor Hover Test Data and WOPWOP Predictions Incorporating the Fountain Effect
Charles K. Rutledge, Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company; Charles D. Coffen and Albert R. George, Cornell University


A Comparison of Measured and Predicted XV-15 Tiltrotor Surface Acoustic Pressures
Karen H. Lyle; Casey L. Burley; Devon S. Prichard


A Qualitative Flight Evaluation of a Sidestick Controller in the XV-15 Tiltrotor Research Aircraft
Daniel C. Dugan, NASA Ames; Gary C. Churchill, US Army AMCOM


Advanced Technology Blade Testing on the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft
Brent Wellman, NASA Ames Research Center

This paper was not submitted in time to be included in the printed Proceedings.


Aerodynamic Design of the XV-15 Advanced Composite Tilt Rotor Blade
M.A. McVeigh & H.J. Rosenstein, Boeing Vertol Company


An Assessment of XV-15 Tiltrotor Hover Download Predictions
Andrew Wissink and Joon Lim, US Army DEVCOM AvMC; Steven Tran, Science & Technology Corp.


Analysis of Measured and Predicted Acoustics from an XV-15 Flight Test
D. Douglas Boyd Jr., NASA Langley Research Center; Casey L. Burley, NASA Langley Research Center


Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise of an Isolated Full-Scale XV-15 Tilt-Rotor
C. Kitaplioglu, M. Betzina, and W. Johnson, NASA Ames


CFD Calculations of the XV-15 Tiltrotor During Transition

Steven Tran, STC Corp
Joon Lim, Gerardo Nunez, Andrew Wissink, US Army CCDC Aviation and Missile Center
Graham Bowen-Davies, Kitty Hawk Corporation


Comparison Of Full-Scale XV-15 Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise Calculations With Wind Tunnel Data
Cahit Kitaplioglu and Wayne Johnson, NASA Ames Research Center


Comparison of XV-15 Full-Scale Wind Tunnel and In-Flight Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise
C. Kitaplioglu, M. McCluer, and C. W. Acree Jr., NASA Ames Research Center


Design Aspects of the XV-15 Advanced Technology Blade Program
K.E. Smith, H.R. Alexander, Boeing Vertol Co. and M.D. Maisel, Aeromechanics Laboratory, AVSCOM


External Noise Evaluation Of The XV-15 Tiltrotor Aircraft
John T. Brieger, Engineering Specialist, Bell Helicopter Textron; Martin D. Maisel, Aerospace Research Engineer, and Ronald Gerdes, Aerospace Engineer and Research Pilot, NASA Ames Research Center


Far-Field Hover Acoustic Characteristics of the XV-15 Tiltrotor Aircraft with Advanced Technology Blades
David A. Conner and Brent Wellman, AVSCOM


Flight Control System Development For The XV-15 Tilt Rotor Aircraft
Roger L. Marr; J. Marvin Willis; Gary B. Churchill


Full-Scale Demonstration of Higher Harmonic Control for Noise and Vibration Reduction on the XV-15 Rotor
Khanh Nguyen, NASA Ames Research Center; Mark Betzina, NASA Ames Research Center; Cahit Kitaplioglu, NASA Ames Research Center


Handling Qualities Evaluation Of XV-15 Noise Abatement Landing Approaches Using A Flight Simulator
William A. Decker, NASA Ames Research Center


Handling Qualities Evaluations of the XV-15 Tilt-Rotor Aircraft
R. L. Marr, Bell Helicopter Co., G. Churchill, NASA-Ames, and W. E. B. Roderick, NRC, Canada.


Initial Tiltrotor Aeroacoustic Code (TRAC) Predictions For The XV-15 Flight Vehicle And Comparison With Flight Measurements
Devon S. Prichard, Lockheed Martin


Investigation of the Interactional Aerodynamics of the XV-15 Tiltrotor Aircraft

Steven A. Tran, NASA Ames Research Center
Joon W. Lim, US Army CCDC AvMC


Mission Potential Derivatives of XV-15 Tilt Rotor VTOL Research Aircraft
R.K. Wernicke & K.G. Wernicke, Bell Helicopter Textron & D.C. Borgman, USA AVRADCOM


Performance and Safety Aspects of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft
K.G. Wernicke


Results From An XV-15 Rotor Test In The National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex
Jeffrey S. Light, NASA Ames Research Center


Results of Structural Dynamic Testing of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft
J. Bilger, R. Marr & A. Zahedi, Bell Helicopter Textron


Robust Flight Control for a Validated XV-15 Model

Hao Yang, Rafael Morales, University of Leicester


Rotor Performance of an Isolated Full-Scale XV-15 Tiltrotor in Helicopter Mode
Mark D. Betzina, NASA Ames Research Center


Simulations of XV-15 Rotor Flows in Hover Using OVERFLOW
Seokkwan Yoon, Thomas H. Pulliam, and Neal M. Chaderjian, NASA Ames


Simulations of XV-15 Rotor Flows in Hover Using OVERFLOW
Seokkwan Yoon, Thomas H. Pulliam, and Neal M. Chaderjian, NASA Ames


Status Report on XV-15 Tilt Rotor Test Program, LTC
J.H. Brown Jr. and H.K. Edenborough


The History of the XV-15 Tiltrotor Research Aircraft - From Concept to Flight
Daniel C. Dugan - NASA Ames


Tiltrotor Airframe and Landing Gear Development - XV-3, XV-15, 609, and Beyond
Isaac, Mark


Using RotCFD to Predict Isolated XV-15 Rotor Performance
Witold J.F. Koning, Cecil W. Acree (NASA Ames Research Center) and R. Ganesh Rajagopalan (Iowa State University)


Wake Vortex Measurements Of The XV-15 Tiltrotor Using A Mobile Ground-Based LIDAR System
John J. Schillings, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.; Samuel W. Ferguson, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.; Albert G. Brand, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.; B. Robert Mullins, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.; Justin Libby, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Wind Tunnel And Flight Tests Of The XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft

J.A. Weiberg, L.G. Schroers, NASA Ames Research Center & R.L. Marr, S Blackman, Bell Helicopter Textron


XV-15 Rotor Simulation in Flow360 using the Blade Element Theory

John Moore, Feilin Jia, FlexCompute Inc.
Qiqi Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


XV-15 Shipboard Evaluation
J.C. Ball, U.S. Naval Air Test Center


XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft Photogrammetry and Metrology Measurement

Haley Cummings, Michelle Dominguez, Eduardo Solis, Christopher Silva, Belen Bowman, Shirley Burek, NASA Ames Research Center


XV-15 Tiltrotor Aircraft Noise Characteristics
Bryan D. Edwards, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.


XV-15 Tiltrotor Low Noise Approach Operations
David A. Conner, Langley Research Center; Michael A. Marcolini, NASA Langley Research Center; William A. Decker, NASA Langley Research Center; John H. Cline, Langley Research Center; Bryan D. Edwards, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.; Colby O. Nicks, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.; Peter D. Klein, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.


XV-15 Tiltrotor Low Noise Terminal Area Operations
David A. Conner, U. S. Army; Michael A. Marcolini, NASA Langley Research Center; Bryan D. Edwards and John T. Brieger, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.



Vertiflite articles featuring the XV-15

Vertiflite, July/August 1986

Taking New York By Storm - The XV-15 - Aaronson, Robert (N.Y/N.J. Port Authority) 


Vertiflite, March/April 1984

XV-15, Avionics and Deicing Head AVSCOM Studies - AVSCOM News 


Vertiflite, November/December 1984

The 1984 XV-15 Victory Tour - McKeithan, Clifford (NASA Ames Research Ctr.) 


Vertiflite, September/October 1982

XV-15 Program Update - Thomason, Tommy H. (Bell Helicopter Textron)