Forum Proceedings related to the XV-15
A Comparative Analysis of XV-15 Tiltrotor Hover Test Data and WOPWOP Predictions Incorporating the Fountain Effect
A Comparison of Measured and Predicted XV-15 Tiltrotor Surface Acoustic Pressures
A Qualitative Flight Evaluation of a Sidestick Controller in the XV-15 Tiltrotor Research Aircraft
Advanced Technology Blade Testing on the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft
Aerodynamic Design of the XV-15 Advanced Composite Tilt Rotor Blade
An Assessment of XV-15 Tiltrotor Hover Download Predictions
Analysis of Measured and Predicted Acoustics from an XV-15 Flight Test
Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise of an Isolated Full-Scale XV-15 Tilt-Rotor
CFD Calculations of the XV-15 Tiltrotor During Transition
Comparison Of Full-Scale XV-15 Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise Calculations With Wind Tunnel Data
Comparison of XV-15 Full-Scale Wind Tunnel and In-Flight Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise
Design Aspects of the XV-15 Advanced Technology Blade Program
External Noise Evaluation Of The XV-15 Tiltrotor Aircraft
Far-Field Hover Acoustic Characteristics of the XV-15 Tiltrotor Aircraft with Advanced Technology Blades
Flight Control System Development For The XV-15 Tilt Rotor Aircraft
Full-Scale Demonstration of Higher Harmonic Control for Noise and Vibration Reduction on the XV-15 Rotor
Handling Qualities Evaluation Of XV-15 Noise Abatement Landing Approaches Using A Flight Simulator
Handling Qualities Evaluations of the XV-15 Tilt-Rotor Aircraft
Initial Tiltrotor Aeroacoustic Code (TRAC) Predictions For The XV-15 Flight Vehicle And Comparison With Flight Measurements
Investigation of the Interactional Aerodynamics of the XV-15 Tiltrotor Aircraft
Mission Potential Derivatives of XV-15 Tilt Rotor VTOL Research Aircraft
Performance and Safety Aspects of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft
Results From An XV-15 Rotor Test In The National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex
Results of Structural Dynamic Testing of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft
Robust Flight Control for a Validated XV-15 Model
Rotor Performance of an Isolated Full-Scale XV-15 Tiltrotor in Helicopter Mode
Simulations of XV-15 Rotor Flows in Hover Using OVERFLOW
Simulations of XV-15 Rotor Flows in Hover Using OVERFLOW
Status Report on XV-15 Tilt Rotor Test Program, LTC
The History of the XV-15 Tiltrotor Research Aircraft - From Concept to Flight
Tiltrotor Airframe and Landing Gear Development - XV-3, XV-15, 609, and Beyond
Using RotCFD to Predict Isolated XV-15 Rotor Performance
Wake Vortex Measurements Of The XV-15 Tiltrotor Using A Mobile Ground-Based LIDAR System
Wind Tunnel And Flight Tests Of The XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft
J.A. Weiberg, L.G. Schroers, NASA Ames Research Center & R.L. Marr, S Blackman, Bell Helicopter Textron
XV-15 Rotor Simulation in Flow360 using the Blade Element Theory
XV-15 Shipboard Evaluation
XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft Photogrammetry and Metrology Measurement
XV-15 Tiltrotor Aircraft Noise Characteristics
XV-15 Tiltrotor Low Noise Approach Operations
XV-15 Tiltrotor Low Noise Terminal Area Operations
Vertiflite articles featuring the XV-15
Taking New York By Storm - The XV-15 - Aaronson, Robert (N.Y/N.J. Port Authority)
XV-15, Avionics and Deicing Head AVSCOM Studies - AVSCOM News
Vertiflite, November/December 1984
The 1984 XV-15 Victory Tour - McKeithan, Clifford (NASA Ames Research Ctr.)
Vertiflite, September/October 1982
XV-15 Program Update - Thomason, Tommy H. (Bell Helicopter Textron)