AH-64 Apache





Design Authority
Company The Boeing Company
Company products Products or services
Company contacts Contact Boeing
Family Tree
*No Variant assigned
Boeing AH-64A Apache
Boeing AH-64D Apache
Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian
Boeing WAH-64D Apache
Hughes YAH-64/Model 77
Type History
Prototype first flight  
Production first flight  
First entered service  

AH-64 Apache


Members of the AH-64 Apache family not yet added to Vertipedia - coming soon!

AH-64 Apache

Forum Proceedings related to the AH-64 Apache

AH-64 Apache DVE Mission Workload and Handling Qualities Simulation Study
Gary Klein, John Krainski, Kendra Befort, Russell Enns


AH-64 Apache DVE Mission Workload and Handling Qualities Simulation Study (brief)
Gary Klein, John Krainski, Kendra Befort, Russell Enns


AH-64 Apache Modernization
Robert Johnston, US Army


AH-64 Apache Tail Gearbox Vibration Monitoring Condition Indicators and Threshold Settings
Perumal Shanthakumaran, Louis J. Silverthorn, The Boeing Company


AH-64 Apache: Army Flight Test Update
Major Allen L. Peterson, Major Patrick J. Oarman, and Major Daniel G. Wolfe, U.S. Army Aviation Technical Test Center


Boeing AH-64 Apache Lubrication System Cooling Development
Roy A. Bergman and Chuong Le, The Boeing Company


Candidate VMS Architecture Approaches to Support Future AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter Requirements
Bryan C. H. Chu, Gary Klein, Russell Enns, and Tom Gollem, The Boeing Company


Candidate VMS Architecture Approaches to Support Future AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter Requirements
Bryan C. H. Chu, Gary Klein, Russell Enns, and Tom Gollem, The Boeing Company


Design, Fabrication, Testing of New Affordable Main Rotor Blade for the AH-64 Apache Helicopter
Jouin, Pierre; Loftus, Robert; Llanos, Antoni


Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Real Time AH-64 Apache Simulation Model
S.H. Sturisky, W.D. Lewis, D.P. Schrage, and J.V.R. Prasad, Georgia Institute of Technology


Development of Advanced Flight Control Laws for the AH-64 Apache Helicopter - Sketches from the work of TU Delft-Boeing Project in SIMONA Simulator

Marilena Pavel, Olaf Stroosma, Qiping Chu, Delft University of Technology
Perumal Shanthakumaran, Mike Wolfe, Boeing Mesa
Harm Cazemier, Royal Netherlands Air Force


Experimental Determination of AH-64 Apache Tailshaft Hanger Bearing Vibration Characteristics with Seeded Faults
Decker, Harry; Dykas, Brian; Krantz, Timothy; Lewicki, David


Integration of the RTM322 Into the WAH-64 Apache: A Model for Future Re-Engining
Volk, G.


Manned/Unmanned Teaming - New Synergy Between AH-64 Apaches and Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Bailey, Dan


Pilot Attitudes on Glass and Traditional Cockpits in the U.S. Army's AH-64 Apache Helicopter
Adam, G.; Francis, G.; LeDuc, P.; Rash, C.


Rapid Deployment Initiative for the AH-64 Apache Longbow Helicopter
Veselovsky, J.


Redesign of the AH-64 Apache Composite Main Rotor Blade Attachment Fittings to Provide a Field Repair Capability
Len Reid, Fatigue Technology and Robert Loftus, The Boeing Company


RTM322 Engine/WAH-64 Apache Helicopter Propulsion Installation Performance Characterization With Cold Flow Testing
Nathan G. Adams, McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Systems


Technology Advances in the AH-64 APACHE Advanced Attack Helicopter
K.B. Amer & R.W. Prouty, Hughes Helicopters, Inc


Usage Based Fatigue Damage Calculation for AH-64 Apache Dynamic Components
Larchuk, Terry; Shanthakumaran, Perumal


Validation of a Flight Simulation Model of the AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter Against Flight Test Data
J.W. Harding and S.M. Bass, McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Co.


WAH-64 Apache HUMS Phase-1 Implementation
Cameron, B. G.; Shanthakumaran, P.



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