

Originally designed by Frank Robinson and manufactured by C. K. "Gus" Le Fiell. The R22 was the first light helicopter to receive complete certification under Part 27s requirements.




Design Authority
Company Robinson Helicopter Company
Company products Products or services
Company contacts Contact Robinson
Family Tree
*No Variant assigned
Robinson R22 Mariner
Robinson R22 HP
Robinson R22 Mariner II
Robinson R22 Beta
Robinson R22
Robinson R22 Alpha
Robinson R22 Beta II
Type History
Prototype first flight 28 August 1975
Production first flight -
First entered service 1979




Members of the R22 family not yet added to Vertipedia - coming soon!
*Not Applicable
  Type Certificate Data Sheets

Type Certificate Data Sheet No. FR18 - Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), UK - 2002

R.120 (IM) Robinson R22 - European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), EU - 2010

Type Certificate Data Sheet No. H10WE - Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), US - 2013



Forum Proceedings related to the R22

We were unable to find any Forum Proceedings for this aircraft.



Vertiflite articles featuring the R22

Vertiflite, September/October 1990

Robinson's R22 Helicopter - Finding a Niche on Foreign Soil - Robinson, Barbara K. (Robinson Helicopter Co.)