John J. Tolson
United States of America
1915 - 1991
Tolson, a 1937 graduate of the US Military Academy, served in World War II with the 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment. Following the war, he became chief of the Army's Doctrine and Combat Developments Branch, Office of the Asst. Chief of Staff, Operations and Plans. In that capacity, he began the first study of the use of Army air cavalry. In 1955, he was named director of the Air borne- Army Aviation Dept. at the Infantry School at Ft. Benning, Georgia. His doctrine of the tactical use of battlefield Army aviation assets developed during this time was proven a decade later in Vietnam, and is still the standard reference for Army aviation.
Tolson, a member of the AHs since 1956, was presented the Society's Capt. William Kossler Award in 1964. His military honors include the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Staff, Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Purple Heart. Long-time AHS member LTG John J. Tolson, III (USA, ret.) died in December 1991, he was 76.
AHS Update: Vertilite March/April 1992