Fred Landgraf

United States of America


Fred Landgraf was the inventor of the Landgraf Model H-2 helicopter.

An early designer of helicopters, Landgraf was last employed as a project engineer for special projects at Ryan Aeronautical in San Diego and was responsible for the administration of design and development work. Previously he held chief engineer positions with Lewis America Airways in Denver and Industrial Plastics Co. in Gardena, CA.  From 1938 to 1943 he was the landing gear and hydraulics engineer for Douglas Aircraft in El Segundo.

Landgraf established Landgraf Helicopter Co. in Los Angeles in 1943, a venture that was to hold his interest for the following five years. It was during this period that he developed his twin-rotor helicopter.  He gave up the business in 1948.

Landgraf became an AHS member in 1955. He died in San Diego on July 12, 1973.  He would have been 73 on Nov. 1.  He had been a resident of California for many years.

Obituary (pg-20) : Vertiflite September/October 1973


Milestones associated with Fred Landgraf
November 2, 1944 First flight of Landgraf H-2