Carl Nord

United States of America



Carl Nord was born on February 13, 1924. He later attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts and graduated in 1955 as number one student in his class with a B.S. in

Mechanical Engineering. He joined Sikorsky at that time as a junior engineer and in 1961 was named group supervisor-design and analysis of experiments; 1962 was named Assistant Section Head of Aircraft Test Engineering. Later, in 1965, he was named Assistant Chief of Test Engineering Branch, and in March 1968 was promoted to Chief of Structures and Materials, R&D Branch.  Mr. Nord served as Chairman of the Structures & Materials Committee of the recent AHS Forum.  He was a member of ASME, ASTM, Tau Beta Pi, and associate member of  Sigma XI.

Mr. Nord passed away on May 17, 1968 at 34 

Obituary (pg.36) : VERTIFLITE June 1968