Walter G. Sonneborn

United States of America


Walter G. Sonneborn, is founder and owner of a consulting firm in the field of vertical lift technology, Vertikal Consult LLC  since August 2013. His valued clients are Bell Helicopter Company, FAA, Georgia Institute of Technology, DARPA, Groen Brothers Aviation, Turkish Aerospace Inc., Turkey, Robinson Helicopter Company, VR Technologies, Russia, ZF Luftfahrt, Germany. 

He obtained his education from Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management Program for Senior Executives 1989 – 1989;  The University of Dallas Master of Business Administration (MBA) in 1984;  MSEM, Engineering Mechanics in 1968; Technical University, Hanover, Germany Diplom Ingenieur, Mechanical Engineering 1956 – 1962. 

Advise aerospace companies in the field of vertical lift technology.  He worked with Bell Helicopter during 1965 – 2002, 37 years.  He received the prestigious AHS Alexander A. Nikolsky Honorary Lectureship in 2005 for his lecture "Quo Vadis U.S. Helicopter Community?"

Mr. Sonneborn has several patents in the field of rotary wing technology in United States.