Bell Aircraft Corporation


Aircraft designer, developer and manufacturer.



Image coming soon!

Organization details
Name Bell Aircraft Corporation
Organization type Airframe manufacturer
Headquartered in United States of America
Aircraft associated with Bell
Bell 47B N/A
Bell 47B1
Bell 47G
Bell 47G-2
Bell 47H
Bell 47H-1 Bellairus
Bell H-13J N/A
Bell HTL-4 N/A
Bell Model 30
Bell Model 49 Co-Axial Helicopter N/A
Bell Model 54/XH-15
Bell Model 61/HSL-1
Bell Model 65 ATV
Bell Model XH-40
Bell X-14 N/A
Bell XV-3 (Ship 1)
Bell XV-3 (Ship 2)
Bell website
Contact Bell
Aircraft or services

Bell Aircraft Corporation


Formed on 10 Jul 1935 by Larry Bell (and others) in Buffalo, New York, USA.


Bell Aircraft Corporation


Aircraft designer, developer and manufacturer.


Successors of Bell
Bell Helicopter Corporation