Lockheed Aircraft Corporation




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Organization details
Name Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Organization type Airframe manufacturer
Headquartered in United States of America
Aircraft associated with Lockheed
Lockheed CL-475
Lockheed XFV-1 N/A
Lockheed XV-4A Hummingbird
Lockheed XV-4B Hummingbird
Lockheed YAH-56A Cheyenne
Lockheed website
Contact Lockheed
Aircraft or services

Lockheed Aircraft Corporation


Formed shortly after the failure of the Lockheed Division of Detroit Aircraft in 1932. The company was renamed Lockheed Corp in 1977.

Source: "The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum | Directory of Airplanes | Their Designers and Manufacturers", Dana Bell, Published by Greenhill Books, London


Lockheed Aircraft Corporation