Platt-LePage Aircraft Company


Established in Eddystone, Pennsylvania in 1938 by Haviland H. Platt and W. Laurence LePage to develop a lateral tandem rotor helicopter.



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Organization details
Name Platt-LePage Aircraft Company
Organization type Airframe manufacturer
Headquartered in United States of America
Aircraft associated with Platt-LePage
Platt-LePage XR-1 N/A
Platt-LePage XR-1A
Platt-LePage website
Contact Platt-LePage
Aircraft or services

Platt-LePage Aircraft Company


Established in Eddystone, Pennsylvania in 1938 by Haviland H. Platt and W. Laurence LePage to develop a lateral tandem rotor helicopter.


Platt-LePage Aircraft Company


Established in Eddystone, Pennsylvania in 1938 by Haviland H. Platt and W. Laurence LePage to develop a lateral tandem rotor helicopter.